4 Wonderfully Mesmerising Blogs To Sit & Read This Weekend

As the weather has turned a little miserable where I am this weekend i've decided to share the blogger love by listing my ultimate favourite blogs to sit and read on a boring day, which always makes my day a little less boring. I've been getting so distracted and lost on bloglovin' at the moment. It's like a trap, you go on one blog and then into another, and another until you're totally lost in all these amazing sites and you're in blog heaven. Some of the blogs I come across are crazy good, but I wanted to share the love with some bloggers that probably don't get enough credit in the 'blogging world' as they deserve. Here are the 4 bloggers that I have chosen and could read forever...

I absolutely love this blog... love it that much that it is my main image for this post! First off her blog just looks incredible, the layout is so minimal but effective. But blogging isn't just about the look, the quality of her posts are just remarkable. She posts a lot of tips/tricks/how to's that are really worth reading and could benefit you a lot. There are also plenty of makeup posts which I love. The quality of her photographs are 'on point' as some would say. I just love this blog so much and if you haven't already go and read her posts now! 

This is also one of my all time favourites that I could sit and read all day and get lost blog post heaven. What I really love is that she blogs whatever she wants... I know that I always feel pressured into thinking what people will like/won't like and sometimes I have a great idea for a blog post and don't post it because no one else has? This is what I love about this blog. She doesn't just stick to the beauty blog posts but reviews books, music and posts a lot of tips and how to's. I need to take more inspiration from this blog.

Annabel is a complete wordsmith with her posts. I absolutely adore how she writes and structures her posts. For me, her blog is so relatable and extremely easy to read. Sometimes you get those blogs with a tonne of writing and you just skim the text but Annabel pulls you into the post in the first paragraph and I love it. This is a blog I could get lost in for hours and have to refrain myself from reading more than 10 posts a day. Her photographs for her posts are incredible and her instagram is unreal too.

Lily has created such a wonderful blog that I thoroughly enjoy reading. I probably make it a weekly thing to read her latest or oldest posts because they are consistent all the way through. Like Mascara and Maltesers, she words her blog posts brilliantly and it keeps you intrigued to read more and more posts until your eyes blur. On the whole her blog looks amazing and her posts are always unique and imaginative. 

And these are all my favourite blogs at the minute that I think should get a lot more credit than they do! Now to carry on reading the rest of their posts until I explode with happiness. If you haven't already please go and follow them all on bloglovin and their social media, they really are amazing.

Who are your favourite bloggers? Leave links below to your favourite sites, I'd love to have a look, i'm always on the look out for new blogs to follow! 

Thanks for reading


  1. Thank you! It means so much that you enjoy reading my blog x


  2. thank0s for sharing thins, i'm going to check those blogs.
    The Color Palette

  3. I love posts like these such a great way to discover new blogs. I really like soph choice blog, it's really good.
    Zeynab x
    The Beauty Load

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! And I'm glad you've looked at the other blogs too! thank you! x

  4. Thank you so much again for the lovely mention, its such nice words and you've made my entire weekend. Off to read the others now xxx

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

    1. It's no problem at all, your blog is fab and it deserved to be in this post hehe xx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am alwayyyss looking for new blogs to read! and there is just so many out there is can be quite overwhelming.. thanks for the great options =) ... Love from NZ x


  6. There are so many blogs out there, I feel like I'm always exploring new ones willingly. Thank you so much for sharing some good ones. Definitely going to check them out and give them a follow :)

    Brooke | brookewrote

  7. Thank you for sharing, I love discovering new blogs!

    xo, Liz


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Maira Gall