My Favourite Naked Palette Combinations

I love to try different combinations of eyeshadow colours that other people recommend and I always try to mix up my eyeshadow colour each day, but you always have those shades that you use together no matter what, and this is where I thought of the idea for this blog post! I'm going to share with you my favourite colour combinations from the Naked (original) palette that I use most frequently! 

I find that the original naked palette is better for a more 'going out' look because the colours are quite dark, but I do use some of the colours for a more subtle look for every day.

This is a colour combination that I think works as a subtle look for an every day makeup look. The colours (starting from bottom to top) are Naked, Buck and Hustle. These three colours create a really natural smokey eye as they are quite matte. 

Another of my favourite combinations is (bottom to top) Half Baked, Toasted and Hustle. Half Baked is my all time favourite eyeshadow, it looks nice when blended for an every day look but when you apply it with a wet brush it gives a gorgeous metallic gold finish that looks amazing when you're going on a night out. The three colours together don't make a really dark eye but a nice blended, neutral smokey eye. 

When I'm wanting a heavy makeup look, I always go for a bronze/black smokey eye. These colours create this look perfectly. The colours (bottom to top) Side Car, Smog and Creep. The colours blend really well together and the black colour is extremely easy to work with. 

Finally for a more Grey/Black smokey eye, I would use Sin, Gunmetal and Creep. I don't use this combination as much as the others as I tend to love a more brown smokey eye but I thought it would be nice to include a dark smokey eye that some readers will prefer. Again the colours work really well together and create a very heavy smokey eye. 

These are all the colour combinations from the original Naked palette that I love! Lately I have been using the Soap and Glory lid stuff palette in 'Whats Nude'. The palette is great for a high street brand and some of the colours are great dupes for the Naked original palette! The colours in this quad are mostly a matte finish and 3 colours are great dupes for Sin, Buck and Hustle so if you're on a budget I would highly recommend this palette for a more neutral smokey eye! 

I do have the naked 3 palette so if anyone would like to see my colour combinations for that palette in another blog post, please let me know! 

All products mentioned in this post will be linked below

Thanks for reading


  1. I have this Naked palette so I find this post to be very helpful! Thank you, I'll be trying these combo this weekend. xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Glad you found this useful! I hope some of the combinations worked for you too! Thanks for reading :-) x


© hellolaura x
Maira Gall